The story of the Warsaw Mermaid begins long ago, when two mermaid sisters swam from the depths of the sea to explore the rivers of the world. One sister journeyed to the Danish port of Copenhagen, where she became the inspiration for the famous Little Mermaid statue. The other swam up the Vistula River, captivated by the serene beauty of the surrounding landscape. She decided to stay, settling near what would one day become Warsaw.
Fishermen along the Vistula were enchanted by her presence. Her songs were said to calm the waters and fill the air with a magical serenity. However, the mermaid’s peaceful life was disrupted when a greedy merchant captured her, hoping to exploit her for profit. Hearing her cries, the local fishermen banded together to rescue her, breaking her chains and setting her free.
In gratitude for their bravery, the mermaid vowed to protect the city and its people. Armed with a sword and shield, she became the guardian of Warsaw, defending it from invaders and disasters. This legend of courage and solidarity has made Syrenka a beloved figure in Polish folklore.